Hello, dear friends! With state testing taking up 2 full days of my week.......I am pooped!!! I wish I had more energy to blog and share with you how I "actively monitored", but you'll just have to settle for my Five for Friday linky fun :)
I will blog tons more next week about the adventures in room 14!! We will be up to our elbows in science experiments and nature walks and all the other fun stuff we haven't gotten to do because of that STUPID test!! So.....stay tuned!
For now, here are 5 random things from my week:
1. This week was the season finale of Duck Dynasty. I must say.......I secretly judged my husband when he began watching this show. I would sit back and think, "My Lord.....who wants to watch these idiot rednecks?!?!" Now I know......I DO!!!! I {heart} this show so much!!!! I love that it's kid friendly and we can all watch it together. I love that they pray at the end of every show. And.....I love Jase <3
2. You know that finance class that I've been griping about for....oh, I don't know......FOREVER?!?! Well, I finally got to take the final exam and the class is now OVER!!!
3. I noticed this week that Third Grade & Lovin' It's Instagram page has 103 followers! That just blows me away! I love Instagram, especially for following teachers. It gives me a glimpse into their classrooms and since I'm such a visual person, it really blows my mind how creative so many teachers are! I'm extremely grateful that 103 other people wanna take a look into my classroom. It's an honor :)
4. After 2 days of state testing, it was game day galore in room 14 (for 2 days......ssssshhhhhhh)
5. As a thank you for a hard week's work, our principal spent some extra mool-ah and paid a few spa ladies to come and pamper us during our planning periods!! Yayyyyy!! We got exfoliated, massaged, lotioned, sprayed.......the works! Luckily, my planning/conference time is at the end of the day, so I really let my hair down (literally.....there was a scalp massager tool that I almost took home. Oh.Mi.Word. It was heaven!)
So, there was a little tid-bit from my week. I'm hoping to rest up and catch up on some blog stalking this weekend. I hope you all have a great weekend.........smooches :)
Keep livin' the dream,